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Showing posts with label beginners tips. Show all posts

Keywords – the Most Important Item in SEO | SEO KEYWORDS TO INCREASE TRAFFIC

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Keywords – the Most Important Item in SEO | SEO KEYWORDS TO INCREASE TRAFFIC:free seo tips and tricks,optimize your blog,get free traffic ,increase number of visitors,link building,backlinks,pagerank tips,tips for new bloggers,earn money tips,meta tag tip and tool,adsense tips,increase google traffic,on page seo,off page seo,white hat and black hat seo

Keywords – the Most Important Item in SEO | SEO KEYWORDS

Keywords are the most important SEO element for every search engine, they are what search strings are matched against. Choosing the right keywords to optimize for is thus the first and most crucial step to a successful SEO campaign. If you fail on this very first step, the road ahead is very bumpy and most likely you will only waste your time and money. There are many ways to determine which keywords to optimize for and usually the final list of them is made after a careful analysis of what the online population is searching for, which keywords have your competitors chosen and above all - which are the keywords that you feel describe your site best.

1. Choosing the Right Keywords to Optimize For

It seems that the time when you could easily top the results for a
one-word search string is centuries ago. Now, when the Web is so
densely populated with sites, it is next to impossible to achieve
constant top ratings for a one-word search string. Achieving constant
top ratings for two-word or three-word search strings is a more
realistic goal.

For instance, If you have a site about dogs, do NOT try and optimize for the keyword "dog" or "dogs". Instead you could try and focus on keywords like "dog obedience training", "small dog breeds", "homemade dog food", "dog food recipes" etc. Success for very popular one-two word keywords is very difficult and often not worth the trouble, it's best to focus on less competitive highly specific keywords.

The first thing you need to do is come up with keywords that describe the content of your website. Ideally, you know your users well and can correctly guess what search strings they are likely to use to search for you. You can also try the Website Keyword Suggestions Tool below to come up with an initial list of keywords. Run your inital list of keywords by the Google keyword Suggestion tool, you'll get a related list of keywords, shortlist a couple of keywords that seem relevent and have a decent global search volume.

When choosing the keywords to optimize for, you need to consider not only the expected monthly number of searches but also the relevancy of these keywords to your website. Although narrow keywords get fewer searches they are a lot more valuable than generic keywords because the users would be more interested in your offerings. Lets say you have a section on your website where you give advice on what to look for when adopting a dog. You might discover that the "adopt german shepherd" keyphrase gives you better results than a keyword like "german shepherd dogs". This page is not of interest to current german shepherd owners but to potential german shepherd owners only. So, when you look at the numbers of search hits per month, consider the unique hits that fit into the theme of your site.

2. Keyword Density

After you have chosen the keywords that describe your site and are
supposedly of interest to your users, the next step is to make your
site keyword-rich and to have good keyword density for your
target keywords. Keyword density although no longer a very important factor in SEO is a common measure of how relevant
a page is. Generally, the idea is that the higher the keyword
density, the more relevant to the search string a page is. The
recommended density is 3-7% for the major 2 or 3 keywords and 1-2%
for minor keywords. Try the Keyword Density Checker below to
determine the keyword density of your website.

Although there are no strict rules, try optimizing for a reasonable number of keywords – 5 or 10 is OK. If you attempt to optimize for a list of 300, you will soon see that it is just not possible to have a good keyword density for more than a few keywords, without making the text sound artificial and stuffed with keywords. And what is worse, there are severe penalties (including ban from the search engine) for keyword stuffing because this is considered an unethical practice that tries to manipulate search results.
3. Keywords in Special Places

Keywords are very important not only as quantity but as quality as well – i.e. if you have more keywords in the page title, the headings, the first paragraphs – this counts more that if you have many keywords at the bottom of the page. The reason is that the URL (and especially the domain name), file names and directory names, the page title, the headings for the separate sections are more important than ordinary text on the page and therefore, all equal, if you have the same keyword density as your competitors but you have keywords in the URL, this will boost your ranking incredibly, especially with Yahoo!.
a. Keywords in URLs and File Names

The domain name and the whole URL of a site tell a lot about it. The presumption is that if your site is about dogs, you will have “dog”, “dogs”, or “puppy” as part of your domain name. For instance, if your site is mainly about adopting dogs, it is much better to name your dog site “” than “”, for example, because in the first case you have two major keywords in the URL, while in the second one you have no more than one potential minor keyword.

When hunting for keyword rich domain names, don't get greedy. While from a SEO point of view it is better to have 5 keywords in the URL, just imagine how long and difficult to memorize the URL will be. So you need to strike a balance between the keywords in the URL and site usability, which says that more than 3 words in the URL is a way too much.
Probably you will not be able to come on your own with tons of good suggestions. Additionally, even if you manage to think of a couple of good domain names, they might be already taken. In such cases tools like the Tool below can come very handy.
File names and directory names are also important. Often search
engines will give preference to pages that have a keyword in the file
name. For instance
is not as good as
but is certainly better than
The advantage of keywords in file names over keywords in URLs is that
they are easier to change, if you decide to move to another niche,
for example.

b. Keywords in
Page Titles

The page title is another special place because the contents of
the tag usually gets displayed in most search engines, <br /> (including Google). While it is not mandatory per the HTML <br /> specification to write something in the <title> tag (i.e. you <br /> can leave it empty and the title bar of the browser will read <br /> “Untitled Document” or similar), for SEO purposes you may <br /> not want to leave the <title> tag empty; instead, you'd better <br /> write the the page title in it. <br /> </p> <br /> <br /> <p>Unlike URLs, with page titles you can get wordy. If we go on with <br /> the dog example, the <title> tag of the home page for the <br /> <a href=""></a> can include <br /> something like this: <title>Adopt a Dog – Save a Life and <br /> Bring Joy to Your Home, Everything You <br /> Need to Know About Adopting a Dog or even longer.

c. Keywords in

Normally headings separate paragraphs into related subtopics and
from a literary point of view, it may be pointless to have a heading
after every other paragraph but from SEO point of view it is
extremely good to have as many headings on a page as possible,
especially if they have the keywords in them.

There are no technical length limits for the contents of the



, ... tags but common sense says
that too long headings are bad for page readability. So, like with
URLs, you need to be wise with the length of headings. Another issue
you need to consider is how the heading will be displayed. If it is
Heading 1 (

), generally this means larger font size and in
this case it is recommendable to have less than 7-8 words in the
heading, otherwise it might spread on 2 or 3 lines, which is not good
and if you can avoid it – do it.


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What Is SEO ? | SEO COMPLETE INFORMATION WHICH INCREASE BLOGS TRAFFIC: how to seo your blog or website,understanding of seo,free seo tips and tricks,optimize your blog,get free traffic ,increase number of visitors,link building,backlinks,pagerank tips,tips for new bloggers,earn money tips,meta tag tip and tool,adsense tips,increase google traffic,on page seo,off page seo,white hat and black hat seo


Whenever you enter a query in a search engine and hit 'enter' you get a list of web results that contain that query term. Users normally tend to visit websites that are at the top of this list as they perceive those to be more relevant to the query. If you have ever wondered why some of these websites rank better than the others then you must know that it is because of a powerful web marketing technique called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

SEO is a technique which helps search engines find and rank your site higher than the millions of other sites in response to a search query. SEO thus helps you get traffic from search engines.

This SEO tutorial covers all the necessary information you need to know about Search Engine Optimization - what is it, how does it work and differences in the ranking criteria of major search engines.

1. How Search Engines Work

The first basic truth you need to know to learn SEO is that search engines are not humans. While this might be obvious for everybody, the differences between how humans and search engines view web pages aren't. Unlike humans, search engines are text-driven. Although technology advances rapidly, search engines are far from intelligent creatures that can feel the beauty of a cool design or enjoy the sounds and movement in movies. Instead, search engines crawl the Web, looking at particular site items (mainly text) to get an idea what a site is about. This brief explanation is not the most precise because as we will see next, search engines perform several activities in order to deliver search results – crawling, indexing, processing, calculating relevancy, and retrieving.

First, search engines crawl the Web to see what is there. This task is performed by a piece of software, called a crawler or a spider (or Googlebot, as is the case with Google). Spiders follow links from one page to another and index everything they find on their way. Having in mind the number of pages on the Web (over 20 billion), it is impossible for a spider to visit a site daily just to see if a new page has appeared or if an existing page has been modified, sometimes crawlers may not end up visiting your site for a month or two.

What you can do is to check what a crawler sees from your site. As already mentioned, crawlers are not humans and they do not see images, Flash movies, JavaScript, frames, password-protected pages and directories, so if you have tons of these on your site, you'd better run the Spider Simulator below to see if these goodies are viewable by the spider. If they are not viewable, they will not be spidered, not indexed, not processed, etc. - in a word they will be non-existent for search engines.

After a page is crawled, the next step is to index its content. The indexed page is stored in a giant database, from where it can later be retrieved. Essentially, the process of indexing is identifying the words and expressions that best describe the page and assigning the page to particular keywords. For a human it will not be possible to process such amounts of information but generally search engines deal just fine with this task. Sometimes they might not get the meaning of a page right but if you help them by optimizing it, it will be easier for them to classify your pages correctly and for you – to get higher rankings.

When a search request comes, the search engine processes it – i.e. it compares the search string in the search request with the indexed pages in the database. Since it is likely that more than one page (practically it is millions of pages) contains the search string, the search engine starts calculating the relevancy of each of the pages in its index with the search string.

There are various algorithms to calculate relevancy. Each of these algorithms has different relative weights for common factors like keyword density, links, or metatags. That is why different search engines give different search results pages for the same search string. What is more, it is a known fact that all major search engines, like Yahoo!, Google, Bing, etc. periodically change their algorithms and if you want to keep at the top, you also need to adapt your pages to the latest changes. This is one reason (the other is your competitors) to devote permanent efforts to SEO, if you'd like to be at the top.

The last step in search engines' activity is retrieving the results. Basically, it is nothing more than simply displaying them in the browser – i.e. the endless pages of search results that are sorted from the most relevant to the least relevant sites.

2. Differences Between the Major Search Engines

Although the basic principle of operation of all search engines is the same, the minor differences between them lead to major changes in results relevancy. For different search engines different factors are important. There were times, when SEO experts joked that the algorithms of Bing are intentionally made just the opposite of those of Google. While this might have a grain of truth, it is a matter a fact that the major search engines like different stuff and if you plan to conquer more than one of them, you need to optimize carefully.

There are many examples of the differences between search engines. For instance, for Yahoo! and Bing, on-page keyword factors are of primary importance, while for Google links are very, very important. Also, for Google sites are like wine – the older, the better, while Yahoo! generally has no expressed preference towards sites and domains with tradition (i.e. older ones). Thus you might need more time till your site gets mature to be admitted to the top in Google, than in Yahoo!.


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21 TIPS | TRICKS to Increase Blog Traffic FOR INCREASE BLOG TRAFFIC:free seo tips and tricks,optimize your blog,get free traffic ,increase number of visitors,link building,backlinks,pagerank tips,tips for new bloggers,earn money tips,meta tag tip and tool,adsense tips,increase google traffic,on page seo,off page seo,white hat and black hat seo

A considerable portion of my consulting time has recently revolved around the optimization of corporate blogs (or the addition of blogs to revamped sites). As usual, I find a pattern emerging in the strategies that need attention and the pitfalls that must be avoided. So, rather than charging $400 an hour to give advice on the subject, I thought it would be valuable to share many of the most common pieces of advice here on the blog (business part of Rand fights with open source Rand, but loses, as usual).

  1. Choose the Right Blog Software (or Custom Build)
    The right blog CMS makes a big difference. If you want to set yourself apart, I recommend creating a custom blog solution - one that can be completely customized to your users. In most cases, WordPress, Blogger, MovableType or Typepad will suffice, but building from scratch allows you to be very creative with functionality and formatting. The best CMS is something that's easy for the writer(s) to use and brings together the features that allow the blog to flourish. Think about how you want comments, archiving, sub-pages, categorization, multiple feeds and user accounts to operate in order to narrow down your choices. OpenSourceCMS is a very good tool to help you select a software if you go that route.
  2. Host Your Blog Directly on Your Domain
    Hosting your blog on a different domain from your primary site is one of the worst mistakes you can make. A blog on your domain can attract links, attention, publicity, trust and search rankings - by keeping the blog on a separate domain, you shoot yourself in the foot. From worst to best, your options are - Hosted (on a solution like Blogspot or Wordpress), on a unique domain (at least you can 301 it in the future), on a subdomain (these can be treated as unique from the primary domain by the engines) and as a sub-section of the primary domain (in a subfolder or page - this is the best solution).
  3. Write Title Tags with Two Audiences in Mind
    First and foremost, you're writing a title tag for the people who will visit your site or have a subscription to your feed. Title tags that are short, snappy, on-topic and catchy are imperative. You also want to think about search engines when you title your posts, since the engines can help to drive traffic to your blog. A great way to do this is to write the post and the title first, then run a few searches at Overture, WordTracker & KeywordDiscovery to see if there is a phrasing or ordering that can better help you to target "searched for" terms.
  4. Participate at Related Forums & Blogs
    Whatever industry or niche you're in, there are bloggers, forums and an online community that's already active. Depending on the specificity of your focus, you may need to think one or two levels broader than your own content to find a large community, but with the size of the participatory web today, even the highly specialized content areas receive attention. A great way to find out who these people are is to use Technorati to conduct searches, then sort by number of links (authority). tags are also very useful in this process, as are straight searches at the engines ('s blog search in particular is of very good quality).
  5. Tag Your Content
    Technorati is the first place that you should be tagging posts. I actually recommend having the tags right on your page, pointing to the Technorati searches that you're targeting. There are other good places to ping - and Flickr being the two most obvious (the only other one is Blogmarks, which is much smaller). Tagging content can also be valuable to help give you a "bump" towards getting traffic from big sites like Reddit, Digg & StumbleUpon (which requires that you download the toolbar, but trust me - it's worth it). You DO NOT want to submit every post to these sites, but that one out of twenty (see tactic #18) is worth your while.
  6. Launch Without Comments (and Add Them Later)
    There's something sad about a blog with 0 comments on every post. It feels dead, empty and unpopular. Luckily, there's an easy solution - don't offer the ability to post comments on the blog and no one will know that you only get 20 uniques a day. Once you're upwards of 100 RSS subscribers and/or 750 unique visitors per day, you can open up the comments and see light activity. Comments are often how tech-savvy new visitors judge the popularity of a site (and thus, its worth), so play to your strengths and keep your obscurity private.
  7. Don't Jump on the Bandwagon
    Some memes are worthy of being talked about by every blogger in the space, but most aren't. Just because there's huge news in your industry or niche DOES NOT mean you need to be covering it, or even mentioning it (though it can be valuable to link to it as an aside, just to integrate a shared experience into your unique content). Many of the best blogs online DO talk about the big trends - this is because they're already popular, established and are counted on to be a source of news for the community. If you're launching a new blog, you need to show people in your space that you can offer something unique, different and valuable - not just the same story from your point of view. This is less important in spaces where there are very few bloggers and little online coverage and much more in spaces that are overwhelmed with blogs (like search, or anything else tech-related).
  8. Link Intelligently
    When you link out in your blog posts, use convention where applicable and creativity when warranted, but be aware of how the links you serve are part of the content you provide. Not every issue you discuss or site you mention needs a link, but there's a fine line between overlinking and underlinking. The best advice I can give is to think of the post from the standpoint of a relatively uninformed reader. If you mention Wikipedia, everyone is familiar and no link is required. If you mention a specific page at Wikipedia, a link is necessary and important. Also, be aware that quoting other bloggers or online sources (or even discussing their ideas) without linking to them is considered bad etiquette and can earn you scorn that could cost you links from those sources in the future. It's almost always better to be over-generous with links than under-generous. And link condoms? Only use them when you're linking to something you find truly distasteful or have serious apprehension about.
  9. Invite Guest Bloggers
    Asking a well known personality in your niche to contribute a short blog on their subject of expertise is a great way to grow the value and reach of your blog. You not only flatter the person by acknowledging their celebrity, you nearly guarantee yourself a link or at least an association with a brand that can earn you readers. Just be sure that you really are getting a quality post from someone that's as close to universally popular and admired as possible (unless you want to start playing the drama linkbait game, which I personally abhor). If you're already somewhat popular, it can often be valuable to look outside your space and bring in guest authors who have a very unique angle or subject matter to help spice up your focus. One note about guest bloggers - make sure they agree to have their work edited by you before it's posted. A disagreement on this subject after the fact can have negative ramifications.
  10. Eschew Advertising (Until You're Popular)
    I hate AdSense on blogs. Usually, I ignore it, but I also cast a sharp eye towards the quality of the posts and professionalism of the content when I see AdSense. That's not to say that contextual advertising can't work well in some blogs, but it needs to be well integrated into the design and layout to help defer criticism. Don't get me wrong - it's unfair to judge a blog by its cover (or, in this case, its ads), but spend a lot of time surfing blogs and you'll have the same impression - low quality blogs run AdSense and many high quality ones don't. I always recommend that whether personal or professional, you wait until your blog has achieved a level of success before you start advertising. Ads, whether they're sponsorships, banners, contextual or other, tend to have a direct, negative impact on the number of readers who subscribe, add to favorites and link - you definitely don't want that limitation while you're still trying to get established.
  11. Go Beyond Text in Your Posts
    Blogs that contain nothing but line after line of text are more difficult to read and less consistently interesting than those that offer images, interactive elements, the occasional multimedia content and some clever charts & graphs. Even if you're having a tough time with non-text content, think about how you can format the text using blockquotes, indentation, bullet points, etc. to create a more visually appealing and digestible block of content.
  12. Cover Topics that Need Attention
    In every niche, there are certain topics and questions that are frequently asked or pondered, but rarely have definitive answers. While this recommendation applies to nearly every content-based site, it's particularly easy to leverage with a blog. If everyone in the online Nascar forums is wondering about the components and cost of an average Nascar vehicle - give it to them. If the online stock trading industry is rife with questions about the best performing stocks after a terrorist threat, your path is clear. Spend the time and effort to research, document and deliver and you're virtually guaranteed link-worthy content that will attract new visitors and subscribers.
  13. Pay Attention to Your Analytics
    Visitor tracking software can tell you which posts your audience likes best, which ones don't get viewed and how the search engines are delivering traffic. Use these clues to react and improve your strategies. Feedburner is great for RSS and I'm a personal fan of Indextools. Consider adding action tracking to your blog, so you can see what sources of traffic are bringing the best quality visitors (in terms of time spent on the site, # of page views, etc). I particularly like having the "register" link tagged for analytics so I can see what percentage of visitors from each source is interested enough to want to leave a comment or create an account.
  14. Use a Human Voice
    Charisma is a valuable quality, both online and off. Through a blog, it's most often judged by the voice you present to your users. People like empathy, compassion, authority and honesty. Keep these in the forefront of your mind when writing and you'll be in a good position to succeed. It's also critical that you maintain a level of humility in your blogging and stick to your roots. When users start to feel that a blog is taking itself too seriously or losing the characteristics that made it unique, they start to seek new places for content. We've certainly made mistakes (even recently) that have cost us some fans - be cautious to control not only what you say, but how you say it. Lastly - if there's a hot button issue that has you posting emotionally, temper it by letting the post sit in draft mode for an hour or two, re-reading it and considering any revisions. With the advent of feeds, once you publish, there's no going back.
  15. Archive Effectively
    The best archives are carefully organized into subjects and date ranges. For search traffic (particularly long tail terms), it can be best to offer the full content of every post in a category on the archive pages, but from a usability standpoint, just linking to each post is far better (possibly with a very short snippet). Balance these two issues and make the decision based on your goals. A last note on archiving - pagination in blogging can be harmful to search traffic, rather than beneficial (as you provide constantly changing, duplicate content pages). Pagination is great for users who scroll to the bottom and want to see more, though, so consider putting a "noindex" in the meta tag or in the robots.txt file to keep spiders where they belong - in the well-organized archive system.
  16. Implement Smart URLs
    The best URL structure for blogs is, in my opinion, as short as possible while still containing enough information to make an educated guess about the content you'll find on the page. I don't like the 10 hyphen, lengthy blog titles that are the byproduct of many CMS plugins, but they are certainly better than any dynamic parameters in the URL. Yes - I know I'm not walking the talk here, and hopefully it's something we can fix in the near future. To those who say that one dynamic parameter in the URL doesn't hurt, I'd take issue - just re-writing a ?ID=450 to /450 has improved search traffic considerably on several blogs we've worked with.
  17. Reveal as Much as Possible
    The blogosphere is in love with the idea of an open source world on the web. Sharing vast stores of what might ordinarily be considered private information is the rule, rather than the exception. If you can offer content that's usually private - trade secrets, pricing, contract issues, and even the occasional harmless rumor, your blog can benefit. Make a decision about what's off-limits and how far you can go and then push right up to that limit in order to see the best possible effects. Your community will reward you with links and traffic.
  18. Only One Post in Twenty Can Be Linkbait
    Not every post is worthy of making it to the top of Digg, or even a mention at some other blogs in your space. Trying to over-market every post you write will result in pushback and ultimately lead to negative opinions about your efforts. The less popular your blog is, the harder it will be to build excitement around a post, but the process of linkbait has always been trial and error - build, test, refine and re-build. Keep creating great ideas and bolstering them with lots of solid, everyday content and you'll eventually be big enough to where one out of every 20-40 posts really does become linkbait.
  19. Make Effective Use of High Traffic Days
    If you do have linkbait, whether by design or by accident, make sure to capitalize. When you hit the front page of Digg, Reddit, Boing Boing, or, on a smaller scale, attract a couple hundred visitors from a bigger blog or site in your space, you need to put your best foot forward. Make sure to follow up on a high traffic time period with 2-3 high quality posts that show off your skills as a writer, your depth of understanding and let visitors know that this is content they should be sticking around to see more of. Nothing kills the potential linkbait "bump" faster than a blog whose content doesn't update for 48 hours after they've received a huge influx of visitors.
  20. Create Expectations and Fulfill Them
    When you're writing for your audience, your content focus, post timing and areas of interest will all become associated with your personal style. If you vary widely from that style, you risk alienating folks who've come to know you and rely on you for specific data. Thus, if you build a blog around the idea of being an analytical expert in your field, don't ignore the latest release of industry figures only to chat about an emotional issue - deliver what your readers expect of you and crunch the numbers. This applies equally well to post frequency - if your blog regularly churns out 2 posts a day, having two weeks with only 4 posts is going to have an adverse impact on traffic. That's not to say you can't take a vacation, but you need to schedule it wisely and be prepared to lose RSS subscribers and regulars. It's not fair, but it's the truth. We lose visitors every time I attend an SES conference and drop to one post every two days (note - guest bloggers and time-release posts can help here, too).
  21. Build a Brand
    Possibly one of the most important aspects of all in blogging is brand-building. As Zefrank noted, to be a great brand, you need to be a brand that people want to associate themselves with and a brand that people feel they derive value from being a member. Exclusivity, insider jokes, emails with regulars, the occasional cat post and references to your previous experiences can be off putting for new readers, but they're solid gold for keeping your loyal base feeling good about their brand experience with you. Be careful to stick to your brand - once you have a definition that people like and are comfortable with, it's very hard to break that mold without severe repercussions. If you're building a new blog, or building a low-traffic one, I highly recommend writing down the goals of your brand and the attributes of its identity to help remind you as you write.


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COMPLETE GUIDE OF WHITE HAT SEO | FREE SEO TOOLS AND TIPS FOR MORE DAILY PAGE VIEW: free seo tips and tricks,optimize your blog,get free traffic ,increase number of visitors,link building,backlinks,pagerank tips,tips for new bloggers,earn money tips,meta tag tip and tool,adsense tips,increase google traffic,on page seo,off page seo,white hat and black hat seo


SEO companies will go out of their way to prove that they offer only the purest, 100% white hat SEO services out there. And for good reason. Recent months have seen big name company after company get busted for using not-so-pearly white hat SEO techniques. We’re talking major profit losses and national shame here–not just some insignificant Google slap.

Heck, it’s gotten so crazy that Forbes publishes an article surrounding the whole JCPenney hoopla, while just a few weeks earlier Forbes themselves admitted to getting the Google red flag. Yeah, it’s that crazy.

What is white hat SEO (sometimes called ethical SEO) anyway? It’s not an easy concept to explain, but it’s important to understand what it means if you’re looking to create a stable, uninterrupted online business.

Pure White Hat SEO Isn’t Really SEO

Let me first say that there is absolutely no such thing as pure white hat SEO services. And if there is such a thing, it can’t be very effective.

Let’s think this through for a second. Search engines aim to display the the most relevant and authoritative results to searchers. But SEOs seek to optimize sites for search engines, not for users. SEO, by definition, involves some form of manipulation because SEO doesn’t actually make your site more valuable, it just makes your site more rankable. So even the most perfect form of white hat search engine optimization is still manipulation.

Make pages primarily for users, not for search engines. [...] [A] useful test is to ask, “Does this help my users? Would I do this if search engines didn’t exist?”
-Google Webmaster Quality Guidelines

Having that said, we can now discuss the nature of what is commonly known as “white hat SEO,” and why it’s of the utmost importance that your SEO company follows these guidelines.

What is White Hat SEO?

In Accordance with the Google TOS and Webmaster Guidelines

First and foremost, if your SEO services are in violation of Google’s Terms of Service and/or Webmaster Quality Guidelines, then you’re already in trouble. Violations include:

  • Link schemes (linking in or linking out)
  • Hidden links
  • Sneaky redirects
  • Plagiarized content
  • Keyword stuffing

If you notice any of this sneaky stuff going on, it’s your responsibility to fire your SEO company immediately. There’s just no excuse for these kinds of practices. Not in 2011.

What is a Search Engine?

A sophisticated script used to help organize the world's information. A tool used to find information.

How do Search Engines Work?

They look at page layout and markup as well as linkage data to determine the relative importance and meaning of a document. Search is still in its infancy. The primary relevancy driver for most competitive keywords is link text.

What is an SEO?

People who work on their own site or clients sites to boost their rankings in search engines.

How do SEOs Improve Site Rankings?

  • Making dynamic pages spiderable by removing session IDs (and other problems).
  • Linking to all pages on a site via text links (or image links) which search engine spiders can follow.
  • Using specific keyword rich page titles, headers, subheaders, internal linking, and page copy.
  • Building linking campaigns. Most links should use variations of the primarily keyword phrases in the link text.

What is the Most Effective SEO Techniques?

You should ensure that:

  • your pages are indexed;
  • your pages are well structured (with headers and subheaders etc.);
  • you use descriptive page titles and other page text;
  • and that you build many keyword rich inbound links.

Link building is usually the hardest and most powerful part of effective broad based SEO.

Why Search Engines like to use the Ethics Tag:

Pay per click advertising makes search engines billions of dollars of revenue each year. If you are spending money to manipulate their search results that means:

  • the search result quality may lower;
  • and (more importantly) someone other than the search engine is getting that money.

Is Search Engine Optimization Ethical?

Search engine optimization is just a means to help distribute your message. Nothing more, nothing less. Calling search engine optimization unethical is similar to calling creating a website or printing a newspaper unethical.

SEO can be used to push unethical ideas (racism, war, ignorance, sweat shop labor for companies like Nike, etc.). Just as frequently SEO can be used to push ethical ideas (equality, peace, education, safe and honest working conditions, etc.).

SEO itself should not normally be tied to any ethics guideline B/S. One can use SEO to push whatever ideas they like though.

Why do Search Engine Optimization Experts Use the Ethical Marketing Angle?

The SEO industry is often lacking in credibility. Its easier to use that as a branding angle than it is to be original and come up with your own.

Is Spamming Ethical?

Unsolicited email messages are spam because they shift the marketing time and cost from the marketer to the person opening their email. Because it steals your time (a portion of your life you will never reclaim) spam email is exceptionally bogus.

Can You Spam a Search Engine?

A search engine is not a person. A search engine is a tool. When their algorithm is messed up they push the blame on some "deviant" webmasters. The real solution of course is to make a better algorithm.

Webmasters who provide the content to fill the search results do not necessarily profit adequately for providing the content which allows search engines to deliver a ton of ads. Some of these same webmasters sell text links to other high margin or profitable sites. This is of course arbitrarily wrong because search engines want to be the middle man and want to profit from as many internet ad dollars as possible.

The Facts about SEO

  • Being an honest business person is a good thing. Hinging your marketing on ethics is a blatant display of desperation.
  • The goal of the SEO is to get the clients site to rank better for relevant search phrases to spread messages or create sales.
  • No matter what the SEO, search engines, or clients say: the SEO should put the client ahead of the search engines.
  • Certain methods are more risky than others and most sites do not need to be promoted via exceptionally risky methods.
  • Some SEOs are too aggressive, many other SEOs take money and do little work for their pay. You should research before spending money on SEO.
  • The ethical tag is a marketing idea used by:
    • people who are new to SEO and rather ignorant; or
    • unoriginal marketers who are severely lacking in creativity.
  • Since a search engine is a tool its not something you can spam.


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SEO: WHAT ARE ONE WAY BAKLINKS ? Easy Understanding One Way BackLinks FOR GOOGLE TOP RANKING: free seo tips and tricks,optimize your blog,get free traffic ,increase number of visitors,link building,backlinks,pagerank tips,tips for new bloggers,earn money tips,meta tag tip and tool,adsense tips,increase google traffic,on page seo,off page seo,white hat and black hat seo
One way link is one of the buzzing words in Search Engine Optimization topic. It is very important for a site or blog. More quality links you have, more popular your site/blog will be. More popular your blog, more traffic you will get. Search Engine uses the number of links to your sites to determine your site popularity. Lets start all about One Way Links.

What is One Way Links ?

One way link means that a website links to your website but your site does not link back to that site. One way links are also known as backlinks or inbound links. For example, your Website is A. Other Websites B, C, D etc are linking to A. It means there is at most one text link or image link in each B, C, D Websites/blogs that links to A. But A doesn't have any back link to B,C,D. For more clarification look at the above image.

Why One Way Links are important ?

It is important because most of the search engines determine a Website popularity by checking how many relevant sites link to that Website. If you get backlinks from higher page rank websites then search engine ranking of your Website/blog will increase. And the higher your search engine ranking the more traffic you will receive. More visitors visit your site there will be more probability to earn more money.

Be caution about Link Relevancy

Link relevancy is another matter of concern in One way link policy. It is also used as part of an algorithm to determine Search Engine Ranking of your site. Because one may create thousand of blogs or junk sites and link them to a site or blog to increase link popularity. But the quality of the sites that link to yours is very important. Each website has it's own "page rank". A website with higher page rank will increase your link popularity rather than website that has none.

SEO TRICKS : How to get free backlinks from higher page rank website FOR MORE VISTORS ON WEBSITES

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SEO TRICKS : How to get free backlinks from higher page rank website FOR MORE VISTORS ON WEBSITES:hoe to get,generate backlinks for seo purpose,free seo tips and tricks,optimize your blog,get free traffic ,increase number of visitors,link building,backlinks,pagerank tips,tips for new bloggers,earn money tips,meta tag tip and tool,adsense tips,increase google traffic,on page seo,off page seo,white hat and black hat seo
One way links or backlinks are very important for a website or blog. If you get more one way backlinks from higher page rank to your site then more your Google page rank and more traffic you will get. But it is not easy to get free right and quality backinks from higher page rank website. You will find many sites those offer backlinks from higher page rank sites by some cash $. They use some techniques which are very easy and effective. You can also use these tricks to get free one way backlinks. Lets see what the tricks we can apply:

1. Submit your blog or site links to well known web directories. There are a lot of free web directories which you can find in search engines. For example:,, are very familiar blog directory. Getting listed in directories not only increase page rank but also bring a lot of traffic to your site.

2. Visit as many related blogs or sites as you can. Comment on the post you have just read and keep a link of your site there. But make sure you don't spam. Try to write some things admiring the post which will encourage the blog author to publish your comment.

3. Now write some good contented articles about your blog/site and submit them to top articles directories. Search in Google for higher page rank articles directories. For example: and are two of the leading articles directories. You will get backlinks from sites at the same time a lot of traffic. Most amazing matter that, this article may use in other people's website with a link to your site.

4. Join some forums , discussion boards that are related to your site or blog. Try to give nice answers asked by other members and refer them to your site for more information. Or post your question adding a link to your site at signature. This will also drive traffic to your site.

One important point I have missed that try to write good content so that readers willingly link to your site. More informative and useful post you have more probability to get more one way backlinks. But this is tough for new websites. So continue writing good posts.

Anchor text | SEO tips for Blogger | IN PAGE SEO TIPS FOR MORE TRAFFIC

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Anchor text | SEO tips for Blogger | IN PAGE SEO TIPS FOR MORE TRAFFIC:free seo tips and tricks,optimize your blog,get free traffic ,increase number of visitors,link building,backlinks,pagerank tips,tips for new bloggers,earn money tips,meta tag tip and tool,adsense tips,increase google traffic,on page seo,off page seo,white hat and black hat seo

Anchor Text is one of the important topics in SEO (search engine optimization) world. It determines the ranking for a specific keyword. If it seems unknown to you, keep exploring this post to know all about anchor text. I have explained here definition , importance and optimization of anchor text for your blog.

What is Anchor Text ?

The anchor text (also called link title , link label) is a visible text which is used for a hyperlink. Anchor text normally gives the contextual information about the content of the link destination . The word contains in the anchor text determine the ranking of that page by search engines. I will now explain it with a simple example.

"Blogger Tips -The place for Latest Blogger Tips and Tricks"

Here clickable text "Blogger Tips" is the anchor text. When search engines crawl a web page the anchor text tells them the content of that link. So when a search engine will face above link, it will assume that the link is about "Blogger,Blogging,tips,tricks ..... related keyword. Google , Yahoo , MSN and other search engines will give rank higher for those keywords.

Many of Bloggers do not know the significance of anchor text. Instead of using appropriate keyword into a clickable link , they use extra text such as below:

"For Latest Blogger Tips and Tricks - Click Here"

In the above case the search engines assume that the linked web page is about "click,here... which are totally unrelated to website or blog.

Anchor text importance in Search Engine Optimization !!!

Anchor text is like a keyword. It is ranked highly in search engine algorithms because the linked text usually gives the content info of the landing page. It will increase search engine ranking of your Blog or website. And the purpose of the search engines is to provide highly relevant search results. As many the same anchor text is used to link a website , that site will be better in search engine result ranking for that keyword. So anchor text is very important if you want your website to be in the first page of search engines for a particular keyword.

Anchor Text Optimization

Anchor text enhances the relevance of the targeted page. So anchor text optimization can be used throughout your site to increase the relevancy of most of the posts of your blog. When linking to internal pages, it is better to use appropriate anchor text just like below:

"Anchor Text - Know all about Anchor text optimization"

Instead of

" To know all about SEO - click here "
Isn't really simple. This small thing can make a huge difference. If you are thinking to purchase any incoming one way backlinks, put some thoughts in writing title and description of the link pointing to your Blog or web site. More backlinks with a specific anchor text, more chances to rank at first page of search engines and more visitors to your website.

BLOGGER SEO TRICKS | How to use "Alt Tag" to Optimize Image | Blog SEO tips TO VIEW IMAGE IN GOOGLE SEARCH

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BLOGGER SEO TRICKS | How to use "Alt Tag" to Optimize Image | Blog SEO tips:free seo tips and tricks,optimize your blog,get free traffic ,increase number of visitors,link building,backlinks,pagerank tips,tips for new bloggers,earn money tips

Image can be a source of huge traffic from search engine. Not all but only optimized images can do that. In the learning series of search engine optimization, today i will try explain how to use “ALT TAG” in images. Don’t confuse it with Meta Tag. It is just like other normal HTML tag that is used as alternative text when non-textual elements cannot be displayed. seo-alt-tagTo fully optimize images we have to consider two ways. One is filename and another one is alt tag. So we can take advantage from distinct filename of all images and “alt” attribute. Alt comes from alternative. It allows you to specify alternative text for the image if it cannot be displayed for some reason. Alt text is accurate description of the image. When search engine crawls a webpage(how search engine works) it considers filename and alt tag as content of image. It means what the image is trying to show up. If a user is viewing your site on a browser that doesn't support images, or is using alternative technologies, such as a screen reader, the contents of the alt attribute provide
information about the picture. Don’t use “image1.png” or “image2.png” as filename. Try to change it keyword of post content. Such as you may use “alt-tag.png” or “seo-alt-tag.png”

Good Practices for optimizing images:

  • Use brief but descriptive filename and alt text
  • Avoid writing long alt text that may be considered spammy
  • Avoid writing extremely length filename for image
  • Supply alt text when using images as links. It works as anchor text
  • Use most browsers supported file types - JPEG, GIF, PNG, and BMP
  • Store all images in same directory. It means for your website you can use single folder named images like “”

First time, it may look overloaded for updating alt tag. But take it easy. Look what i have done here. In this post I have written about alt tag to optimize an image and i use an image. If you look carefully I have used “seo-alt-tag” both image file name and in the alt tag. So now i will get traffic both from images search or web search.

INCREASE TRAFFIC TOOLS | How to add Different Meta tags to Different Blogger Posts | SEO Tips AND TRICKS TO MORE TRAFFIC AND TO VIEW IMAGE IN GOOGLE

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INCREASE TRAFFIC TOOLS | How to add Different Meta tags to Different Blogger Posts | SEO Tips AND TRICKS:free seo tips and tricks,optimize your blog,get free traffic ,increase number of visitors,link building,backlinks,pagerank tips,tips for new bloggers,earn money tips,meta tag tip and tool,adsense tips
If you are beginner in SEO and does not have any idea of Meta Tag, just read this post first about Meta Tag.It is very good for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Actually, why we are adding meta tags is to tell search engines what that page is all about... but, using same meta tags to all of your blog posts lessens the search engine rankings and traffic little bit.

But, if you add different unique meta tags to different Blog posts, it makes the search engines to know more about your individual blog posts and make them crawl and index your pages better and it also improves your Search engine rankings for sure ;)

How to insert Different Meta tags to Different Blogger Posts

1. Sign in to Blogger dashboard » Layout » Edit html

and find out the following lines:

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

and add this code just below that line

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == ""'>

<meta content='DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>

<meta content='KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/> </b:if>

We now added meta tags to the homepage. Next, you want to add meta description for another post, for example :

Now, what you have to do is pasting the above three lines below the present code and changing the link,description and keywords.

So, the final code now looks something like

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == ""'>

<meta content='DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>

<meta content='KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/> </b:if>

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == ""'>

<meta content='How to add Meta Tag to your Blogger Blog, SEO tips to add meta tag' name='description'/>

<meta content='Adding,Meta Tag,SEO ' name='keywords'/> </b:if>

Just like the above procedure, you can add different meta tags to as many blog posts as you can.

SEO TIP AND TRICKS: How To add "Link to your Blog" widget | Blogger Tips TO MORE TRAFFIC SEO TRICKS

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SEO TIP AND TRICKS: How To add "Link to your Blog" widget | Blogger Tips:free seo tips and tricks,optimize your blog,get free traffic ,increase number of visitors,link building,backlinks,pagerank tips,tips for new bloggers,earn money tips,meta tag tip and tool,adsense tips,increase google traffic,on page seo,off page seo,white hat and black hat seo
Blogger may offer viewers to link your blog back from their websites or blogs.It is a great approaches to get free one way backlinks. In this tutorial, it will be discussed how to add "Link to this blog" widget using a normal text box. You may show button link or text link. Both are shown here.


For button link, you have to choose a button image. Then upload it to a free image hosting sites. Then copy the image URL.

Here is the code for image button of "Link To This Blog"

<textarea cols="24" onclick=";" readonly="readonly" rows="4" >&lt;a href="YOUR BLOG_URL"&gt;&lt;img src="LINK OF IMAGE" alt="BLOG_DESCRIPTION" /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</textarea>

Now replace the red color text with relevant to your information. "LINK OF IMAGE" means absolute URL path of image, in "BLOG_DESCRIPTION" write what your blog is about. It's very important because search engine will rank your blog on basis those keywords.


To link to this blog, copy and paste the code below into your site.The code for a text link is :

<textarea cols="24" id="b_2" onclick=";" readonly="readonly" rows="4" >&lt;a href="YOUR_BLOG_URL"&gt;BLOG_TITLE&lt;/a&gt;</textarea>

Replace the red color text with your Blog URL and Blog Title.

This is very simple blogger tip but it has an important role to make your blog popular. One of the most benefits is you will get free one way backlinks.

SEO 2011 TIPS FOR INCREASE TRAFFIC How Search Engine Optimization works - lesson 1 | WORKING OF GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE

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Introduction to How Search Engine Optimization works

SEO is an acronym for "search engine optimization" or "search engine optimizer". Today Search Engines will index hundreds of millions of pages. Your web page may be one of them. But getting noticed on the web is tough. A web page may contain good information of a specific topic, but still it fails to attract more visitors. One of the most reliable way to improve traffic is to get high ranking on search engines return pages (SERPs). Because about 90 percent of all Internet users use search engines to find out specific information.

A search for "SEO" on Google yields many results.
Where does your Web page rank, and how can you help it rise to the top?

Suppose you have created a new web site on "SEO". You provide useful services for website owners including : Technical advice on website development,Keyword research, SEO training, Expertise in specific markets and geographies.But your site is so new that it is not even listed on SERPs. So only few people know about your services, you want more people to know your site. First and foremost duty to get listed on SERPs is to submit your site or blog on top most search engines like Google, Yahoo, Ask etc. Even with the best information about SEO on the web, your site may not achieve the top page of results on major search engines. People normally visit websites on top pages (1st or 2nd page) of SERPs. So getting first position of 1st page on popular search engines returning pages is the most challenging job to promote your web site. Now we have to know how search engine works. Although search engine companies try to keep their algorithms or processes a secret, their criteria for high ranking on SERPs isn't a complete mystery. The main purpose of all search engines is to provide a link to the best websites related to the user's search terms. If your web site provides the best information and services on SEO, then it will benefit search engines to list your site or blog high up on their SERPs. But you have to find a way to show the search engines that your site is on the top of SEO information. That's where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. Search engine optimization is often about making small modifications to parts of your website. When viewed individually, these changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with other optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your site's user experience and performance in organic search results.

SEO TIPS FOR INCREASE TRAFFIC:How Search Engine Optimization works- lesson 2 TO LEARN HOW TO MORE TRAFFIC

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SEO overview

what is seoToday I am gonna to describe the definition and the primary purpose of SEO. Later on I will show step by step different ways to get optimization. So let's start.. We are more or less familiar with the keyword SEO which stands for Search Engine Optimization. If you are very new to SEO keyword no problems keep reading the post to explore it. First of all the definition of SEO:

What is SEO ?

  • SEO is the art and science of making web pages attractive to the search
  • The process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results.....Wikipedia
  • Search Engine Optimization spans a number of items related to the optimization a web site for better search ability by search engine spiders, higher rankings in search results listings and an overall better user
  • The process of increasing the amount of visitors to a Web site by ranking high in the search results of a search engine.....Webopedia
To define SEO,I will divide the Search Engine Optimization word into two parts. One is Search Engine and other one is Optimization. Firstly What is Search Engine? Search Engine is the the place on the net or we can tell it a program that searches specific information into the websites or blogs around the web.Then returns a huge list of websites where that specific information is found. Now what is Optimization? Optimization is procedure to optimize your website to make it top list in search engine. Top list means for any search related to content of your websites, search engine will show your website at top pages. It may be at 1st page even 1st place. Now simply I will give definition of SEO. Search Engine Optimization is a procedure to make web pages top listed in search engine.

What are Purposes of SEO ?

Now you may think the reasons of SEO. So some of the main purposes of Search Engine Optimization is given below:

  • To increase the number of visitors to your website or blog. About 90%-95% people use search engines to get their information. So If your web pages is located at 1st page then a lot of traffic can be driven to your sites by search engine.
  • To increase the page rank of your website or blog in search engine.More page rank more probability to get advertisement in your site.
  • SEO is very important component for Internet marketing. To make small business or large business successful, Search Engine Optimization play an important role.
First step to Search Engine Optimization is to submit your website or blog to search engines.

GOOGLE SEO TIPS | How Search Engine Optimization works - lesson 3 TO LEARN MORE TRAFFIC

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Introduction to how search engine works

To improve a web page position on SERPs, first of all we have to know how search engine works. In this article we will expose all about Internet search engines such as definition of search engines, tutorials on web crawling, indexing and searching of web search engines.
how search engine works
Fig: Search Engines

Web search engines are special sites on Internet which are designed to search for information on the world wide web.Search results are represented in a list consisting of web pages, images, information and other types of files. There are basically three types of search engines.

  • search engines which are powered by robots (called crawlers; ants or spiders)
  • search engines which are powered by human submissions and
  • those that are a hybrid of the two.
Robots based search engine use automated software named as spiders, bots ,crawlers to search the web and analyze the individual pages, then data collected from each pages are added to the search engine index. Human powered search engines depend on humans to list a web page on their database. Manually you have to submit information of a site to these search engines or directories, then it is subsequently indexed and catalogued based on your submitted
information. In Hybrid search engines both crawler-based results or human-powered listings are used. Here we will discuss only first type of search engines. All search engines basically perform three tasks:
  • They search the web to gather document of web pages and their web addresses using spider or crawler software.
  • The indexing software extracts information from the documents, index them based on keyword and store it in a database.
  • They allow users to look for words or combinations of words found in that index.
To do their task properly each day search engines have to crawl hundreds of million pages
, index new web pages and update their old database continuously. Now we will discuss basic three tasks of search engines in details.

Web crawling of search engines

Search Engines use automated program called "Spiders" to find new pages or changed information on the hundreds of millions of web pages. The process of building lists of the words found on the web sites is called web crawling.

web crawling,indexing of search engine
Fig : Web Crawling by Spider

One question may arise, How does any spider start its travels over the Web? The spider will begin with a high ranking or popular sites, indexing the words on its pages and then follows every links found within the sites. In this way, spider starts to travel and visits the most widely used pages in the web. The content of each pages is analyzed to determine how it should be indexed. Search engines looks for relevant keyword of the content of the web pages. Then index that page with that keyword. When spider looks at a HTML page, it gives special weight to keywords that appear in :
  • In the URL
  • In the post Title
  • In headings
  • In meta tag
  • In the description
  • High up on the page
  • In the ALT tag for images
  • In the link text for inbound links
If a site has high page rank, it is spider ed more often and more deeply. So spider crawl the entire web starting from popular sites to all links on those sites. But if your site or blog is very new then there is less probability to get inbound links or backlinks from higher page ranked sites. Then a question arise, how does spider crawl a new site or blog? There is a option of manual submission on every search engines. If you are new site or blog owner then first submit to popular search engines.

Indexing and Searching

Now spider have collected the information from the web and search engines must store those in index database for later queries. The main purpose of indexing is to find a information as quickly as possible. In simply search engine could store the keyword and the URL of a page in their database. But it would not be useful for them. To make efficient and useful result most search engines store more than just keyword and the URL. Normally the principle of search engines are not revealed for their business, so nobody can guarantee a #1 ranking on any SERPs. An engine might save total numbers that the keyword appears on a page. The engine might give a rank to each web page depends on the lot of factors such as no of backlinks, keywords, relevancy of content etc. But each search engine uses different algorithms on how to index a page. So this is the one reason why different search engines produce different search lists for a specific keyword query.

tutorials on search engine

"Spiders" take a Web page's content and create key search words that enable online users to find pages they're looking for.

When a user searches specific keywords on search engine website, the engine returns a listing of best-matching web pages by examining it's index database. They provide a short description of the content containing the title and the URL in the SERPs. To build a complex query most search engines support the use of Boolean operator that allow to extend the terms of the search. To use the search engines more efficiently you can follow the instructions below :
  • AND - All the keywords joined by "AND" must be in the web pages or documents. You can replace "AND" with "+" in some search engines.
  • OR - At least one of the terms joined by "OR" must be in the web pages or documents. You can replace "OR" with "|" in some search engines.
  • NOT - If you want a keyword not showing in the web pages , you can use this operator. Some search engines substitute the operator "-" for the word NOT.
  • FOLLOWED BY - One of the keywords must be followed by the other.
  • NEAR - One of the terms must be within a specified number of words of the other.
  • Quotation Marks - The word between the quotation marks is considered as a phrase. It must be on the web pages

SEO TOOLS FOR INCREASE TRAFFIC TO BLOG | How Search Engine Optimization works - lesson 4 TO MORE TRAFFIC

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seo techniques
In the series of how search engine optimization works, here we will discuss two essential search engine optimization techniques or we can say two philosophies of seo: white hat seo technique and black hat seo technique. From the name we can guess the meaning, white hat means good,positive or ethical techniques that are recommended by search engines and black hat means negative, risky or manipulative seo techniques which are not encouraged by engines.

White Hat seo techniques

White Hat seo techniquesA white hat seo technique follows the search engines' guidelines and avoids any deceptive way to promote any web page. But there arn't any specific guidelines for all search engines. Google, Yahoo, Bing or webmaster guidelines are not same, they have their own policies. Some techniques of White Hat SEO include optimizing META tags, getting one way backlinks from related sites, keyword in right placement, creating keyword-optimized content etc. These techniques help search engines to find keywords- important terms that are relevant to the content of the page, then index the page in their database with that keyword. Search engines encourage such methods through their own webmaster guidelines.White hat advice is to make the content for the users, not for search engines and making the content easily accessible for the spiders, rather than attempting to trick the search engine algorithm to improve a web page position in SERPs. So well-manipulated white hat techniques produce the best long-term outcome and create a more beneficial impact upon the web. But you have to remind that some white hat methods can turn into black hat if it is used improperly.

Black Hat seo techniques

Black Hat seo techniques
Black Hat seo try to trick search engines into listing their Web pages high in SERPs in ways that are disapproved of by the engines.These black hat SEO techniques usually include one or more of the following characteristics:
  • do not follow search engine rules and regulations
  • creates a poor user experience directly because of the black hat SEO techniques utilized on the Web site
  • unethically presents content in a different visual or non-visual way to search engine spiders and search engine users.
Search engines may penalize sites they discover using black hat methods, either by reducing their rankings or eliminating their listings from their databases altogether. Black Hat SEO is tempting; after all, these tricks actually do work, temporarily. They do end up getting sites higher search rankings; that is, until these same sites get banned for using unethical practices. It’s just not worth the risk. Use efficient search engine optimization techniques to get your site ranked higher, and stay away from anything that even looks like Black Hat SEO


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GET TRAFFIC FROM ASK SEARCH ENGINE | Submit on ASK.COM Search Engine | SEO Tips:free seo tips and tricks,optimize your blog,get free traffic ,increase number of visitors,link building,backlinks,pagerank tips,tips for new bloggers,earn money tips,meta tag tip and tool,adsense tips,increase google traffic,on page seo,off page seo,white hat and black hat seo

Submit on ASK.COM
As the process SEO tips on submission of Blog to top search engines, Today I am going to described how to submit blog sitemap on ASK.COM search engine. Submission in ASK.COM is a little bit different from Yahoo or Google submission, here you don't need any account. When I am looking for the steps to submit my blog on ASK.COM, I get the following information from ASK.COM

Q: Does support sitemaps?

A: Yes, supports the open-format Sitemaps protocol. Once you have prepared the sitemap, add the sitemap auto-discovery directive to robots.txt as follows:
SITEMAP: http://www.the URL of your sitemap here.xml
The sitemap location should be the full sitemap URL. Alternatively, you can also submit your sitemap through the ping URL: URL of your sitemap here.xml
Please note that sitemap submissions do not guarantee the indexing of URLs. To learn more about the protocol, please visit the Sitemaps web site at

After getting this , I submit my sitemaps easily. Now follow the instruction to submit your blog sitemaps to ASK search engine.

Submission Blog Sitemap.xml to ASK.COM

1. First of all you need to find out your Blogger Blog sitemap URL . For example my Blog URL: so Blog sitemap URL is:
or you can try:

2. So your blog sitemap URL is: http:// . Replace the the red portion with your real Blog Url.

3. Now keep the following address at the Url Bar in Browser and visit it.

4. After the successful submission of Sitemap.xml, you can see the Successful submission message from just like below:
Submit Blog Sitemap on ASK.COM Search Engine


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BING ENGINE SUBMISSION | Submit Blog or Website on MSN or BING Search Engine | SEO Tips:free seo tips and tricks,optimize your blog,get free traffic ,increase number of visitors,link building,backlinks,pagerank tips,tips for new bloggers,earn money tips,meta tag tip and tool,adsense tips,increase google traffic,on page seo,off page seo,white hat and black hat seo
websites submission on MSNMSN is one of the leading search engines. I have already exposed the blogging tips on how to submit sitemaps to Google and Yahoo search engine. I hope your blog or website is indexed at Google and Yahoo. For Beginner tips: If you are not sure how to check whether your blog is indexed or not. Search in Google or Yahoo for " site:" , If your blog is indexed then you can see it in search result. Today I am going to tell the steps of MSN submission. Comparatively it is easy than Yahoo or Google. Only you have to submit URL of your blog or website.

MSN Search Engine Submission

1. Go to

Submit Blog on MSN2. First of all, Type the character from the picture.

3. Then Type the URL of your blog or website.

4. Then Click on Submit URL. After submission you will get a confirmation page just like below image. You can submit another URL from there.

MSN Search Engine
After some days check whether your blog is indexed or not. I hope you have started to get traffic from MSN live search.

Show Blog Post Title First on Search Engine | SEO Tips | MOST IMPORTANT SEO TRICK TO SHOW IN GOOGLE IN FIRST 10

Follow LatestSongColle on Twitter
Show Blog Post Title First on Search Engine | SEO Tips | MOST IMPORTANT SEO TRICK:free seo tips and tricks,optimize your blog,get free traffic ,increase number of visitors,link building,backlinks,pagerank tips,tips for new bloggers,earn money tips,meta tag tip and tool,adsense tips,increase google traffic,on page seo,off page seo,white hat and black hat seo If your Blog title appears first followed by Blog post title in search engine ,then just keep reading the post to solve this problem. Before going to solution, I will explain you how this event can make a bad effect on your Blogs or sites traffic.

For example, your blog title is " Latest Blogger Tips and Tricks" and blog post title "Show Blog Post Title First on Search Engine ". If anybody search for this post , he may see this post in search engine like this:

Latest Blogger Tips and Tricks: Show Blog Post

your blog description here

So visitors will not get any idea about your blog post content after seeing this headline. As a result no of visitors will decrease though search engine may ranked your Blog post on 1st page. I think all of you understand the importance of this post now.

Now come to solution. You can do two things:

  • Blog Post Title+Blog Title

  • Only Blog Post Title

Determine which one you will follow. I prefer second one (Only Blog Post Title). But I will show you the both process.

Step 1: Login to

Step 2: From Dashboard select Layout then click on Edit HTML.

Step 3: Then search for this tag"<data:blog.pageTitle/>" . Normally it is located in <head> section.

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>


Now if you want to show only Blog Post Title then replace the above tag with following code:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'> <title><data:blog.title/></title> <b:else/> <title><data:blog.pageName/></title> </b:if>
Or If you want to Show Blog Post Title First + then Blog Title, replace the <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> tag with the following code.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'> <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> <b:else/> <title><data:blog.pageName/> ~ <data:blog.title/></title> </b:if>

I hope this trick will help you to drive more traffic to your Blogs or Websites. It also increases SEO of your Blogger Blog.