BING ENGINE SUBMISSION | Submit Blog or Website on MSN or BING Search Engine | SEO Tips:free seo tips and tricks,optimize your blog,get free traffic ,increase number of visitors,link building,backlinks,pagerank tips,tips for new bloggers,earn money tips,meta tag tip and tool,adsense tips,increase google traffic,on page seo,off page seo,white hat and black hat seo
MSN is one of the leading search engines. I have already exposed the blogging tips on how to submit sitemaps to Google and Yahoo search engine. I hope your blog or website is indexed at Google and Yahoo. For Beginner tips: If you are not sure how to check whether your blog is indexed or not. Search in Google or Yahoo for " site:" , If your blog is indexed then you can see it in search result. Today I am going to tell the steps of MSN submission. Comparatively it is easy than Yahoo or Google. Only you have to submit URL of your blog or website.
MSN Search Engine Submission
1. Go to
2. First of all, Type the character from the picture.
3. Then Type the URL of your blog or website.
4. Then Click on Submit URL. After submission you will get a confirmation page just like below image. You can submit another URL from there.
After some days check whether your blog is indexed or not. I hope you have started to get traffic from MSN live search.
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Submit Blog on MSN (BING) Search Engine