The Anna Hazare’s four day starvation is not a victory against corruption but can be considered as one step forward in progress of corruption. It is a try to make obstacles in the growth of country. It is a try to hindrance in the way of those who are actually fighting against corruption.
What Anna wants to prove that he is an only person who is struggling against corruption? Do not you think that he gives a way to all of us that starvation is a method of becoming a hero within four days. There are so many personalities in India who are working a lot for welfare of India. Many of the societies have taken the steps to fight against corruption. Why that people are not highlighted like Anna. The only reason is this that they are not adopting the method of starvation.
Is this struggling action by Anna Hazaare actually a fight against corruption or it is a conspiracy against another person who actually has feelings of nationalism, public spirit and patriotism.
No, doubt the name is very clear in the mind that is Baba Ramdev. Baba Ramdev is a person who is struggling against not only corruption but so many anti-social activities. What is the purpose of his struggle, to become a national hero? No, he is not doing so. If this was the aim of that personality, he could do so many years before, when he has done miracles in field of Yoga. Baba Ramdev is a personality, who thinks about poverty in India.
When Baba Ramdev was very close to open the veil of fraudulence of many politicians of Congress and black money of the politicians in Swiss Bank, all these politicians come in shock. It can be a conspiracy by the political leaders, so that all the people will divert from the specifics of Baba Ramdev and will remain busy in some other task that is looking against government.
What is Lok Pal Bill? I am not agreed with the team members of Anna Hazzare. How a millionaire can think about a poor. A millionaire cannot know the problems faced by a common man. What he knows about poverty who has invested a million of rupees in savings and investments. It is a saying that, “He laughs at scars who never felt a wound”. From where he has earned this money, how a common man can afford the fees of such lawyers? It is unbelievable that such lawyers have earned the money by the principles.
Media has not made a minute to make Anna Hazare as a super hero. Where was the media, when Baba Ramdev had made a visit to more than 300 cities and assembled the people to make them aware about these politicians? By giving the coverage to four days starvation of Anna Hazaare, the media has divert the entire mind of common man from the facts given by Baba Ramdev. Do not you think so, why this starvation started right now? Why the government agreed to this so comfortably?
According to the team of medleynews.com, media has made a clean sweep to the holy and patriotic mission of Baba Ramdev.
Now the entire nation is diverted towards the results of Lok Pal Bill. Now, the members of this team have a soft corner for government. If the team has a soft corner for government, then what is the difference between this team and government? Do not you think this is a question to consider?
Where are all the headlines related to Karunanidhi, Kalmadi, Swiss Bank Accounts etc published by media? For how long we will make a ceremony of Diwali for the victory of Anna Hazzare. When this festival will be over and media comes to actual work.
I think, it is not a victory of Anna Hazzare, it is a victory of congress, who has proved that they have many stunts to make people busy. By making Anna’ film a super-duper hit, congress is thinking that it has made the Baba Ramdev show as a flop. But it is a saying that “Gone is the goose that was golden”. The victory of Congress can be of four days to four months, but not for so long.
It is a truth that history repeats itself. Once there was a Gandhi, who is known as father of nation. What about Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru, LokmanyaTilak, MaharashiArvind? They had done nothing. They had started the struggle for freedom before Gandhi, but a man came from South Africa and become a super hero.
On Gandhi Jayanti, the story of non-violence is repeated every year, that a man with a dhoti and lathi had given us freedom without violence. It is an appeal to all the Indians, spend only five to six minutes of your precious time and think with mind, is it possible to get freedom without violence? Is Gandhi is only person who has played a role for freedom? There is no other person who deserved also for father of nation? What the extra Gandhi had done for India? The only contribution of Gandhi was his blind love for Nehru’s family. Is there only one person that is Nehru who deserved the seat for Prime Minister of India after independence? Why Sardar Patel was not eligible for this seat? Have we ever thought these questions? Gandhi gave a seat of PM to JawaharLal Nehru and Nehru gave Gandhi as an honor of “Father of Nation”.
If the congress is truly a follower of Gandhi, then why, all the congress politicians have disremembered the principles of Gandhi? Is this a Ram Rajya, where we live today?
The same story is played here again. The stunt of Anna Hazzare has tried his best to washout all the struggles of Baba Ramdev. There is no difference between the Gandhi’s stunt and Anna’s Stunt.
It is an appeal to every Indian, read this, think and then ask yourself what you are doing for the country? What you want? You want to change the country or want a part of corruption. If you find the answer tell us our team also.