President Felipe Calderón Meets with President Elect of Guatemala Otto Pérez Molina RECENT CURRENT AFFAIRS IN WORLD AROUND YOU

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President Felipe Calderón Meets with President Elect of Guatemala Otto Pérez Molina RECENT CURRENT AFFAIRS IN WORLD AROUND YOU:
Otto Pérez

Caracas, Venezuela. 3 December 2011
CGCS 204

At the Third Latin American and Caribbean Summit on Integration and Development, Felipe Calderón met with President Elect of Guatemala, Otto Pérez Molina.

During the meeting, President Calderón and the president elect of Guatemala agreed on the importance of strengthening bilateral relations and expanding political dialogue in order to take advantage of the opportunities of being neighboring countries. They highlighted the importance of increasing cooperation in every area of bilateral relations between Mexico and Guatemala, particularly security, environment, education and culture and technology and science.

President Calderón declared that the convergence between Mexico’s Free Trade Agreements and those of other countries in the region will create new opportunities for the productive sectors and economic development.

The Mexican President and President Elect Pérez agreed to boost the initiatives in the Mesoamerican Integration and Development Project and promote infrastructure in the region.

The president of Mexico highlighted the efforts his government has made on behalf of human rights, particularly migrants’ rights. He said that the recent passage of the Migration Law constitutes a major advancement, placing Mexico at the forefront worldwide.

In order to continue working on every issue on the bilateral agenda, the two leaders agreed to instruct the Mexico-Guatemala Binational Commission to meet during the first quarter of 2012. The Mexican president also congratulated Guatemala on its election as a Non-Permanent Member of the Council of Security of the United Nations Organization and offered to share Mexico’s experience in this area.

The president elect stressed the importance of Mexico’s proximity for Guatemala and the enormous opportunities that intensifying cooperation with Mexico and increasing bilateral trade and investments constitute for his country.

Lastly, the president elect of Guatemala invited President Calderón to attend the Inauguration Ceremony on 14 January 2012.

President Felipe Calderón was accompanied by Foreign Affairs Secretary Patricia Espinosa Cantellano.

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