Facebook Messenger for BlackBerry Launched

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Facebook Messenger for BlackBerry Launched

Facebook Messenger has landed on BlackBerry the social networking site has announced.

“In this version, we’ve included a bunch of new features and performance improvements designed to make your messaging experience even better,” says Facebook on the new app that joins Android and iPhone versions already available.

One of those new features is the ability to see who’s online and who’s on mobile, and know when the other person is typing. Its also easier to send messages to the people you message most. The new Facebook Messenger for BlackBerry is available in the App World now. The app is a standalone one – not just an extension of the current Facebook apps and ties in with the Message side of your Facebook persona, so will bring in all your Facebook conversations no matter where they took place and it also offers additional features like one-click access to messages, location mapping, and the ability to message groups and mobile contacts.

If your message target is a Facebook friend already they will receive the message through the social network, but you can also message non-Facebook friends with notes that will send as texts.

“When you’re on the go, coordinating a bunch of people can be tricky, especially if plans change at the last minute,” said Lucy Zhang, Beluga co-founder and Facebook engineer at the time of the original iPhone launch in August.

“With Messenger, you can quickly start a group conversation and message everyone at once. If you choose to add your location, the people you’re messaging with can easily find each other on the map. You can also attach photos, so everyone else can see and comment on what you’re looking at.”

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